It’s no secret that prom night can be one of the most expensive experiences of your high school years. Unless you have a good part-time job, you probably don’t have a lot of cash at your disposal. A survey was done asking teen girls nationwide what it cost them to attend the prom, and the answers ranged from slightly more than $300 up to an unbelievable $800. Ouch! Sure, you can have your parents pay for everything, but your prom will be even more special if you work out a way to pay for the things you will need yourself. The problem is how you can do that on limited resources. Follow the cost-cutting tips below as well as ideas for earning the cash you need prior to the prom.
Your number one priority has got to be your prom dress, and this will be the most expensive item on your list. Dresses come in many price ranges, but if you have your heart set on an expensive, designer dress, you may have to cut your expenses somewhere else to swing it. Most larger cities have consignment shops that deal in used prom dresses, and you might find you can get a fantastic dress that’s only been worn once for a greatly-reduced price.
The accessories you get to complement your dress can be expensive. You will need to consider shoes, a purse, jewelry, and more personal items, such as a strapless bra. If your dress was more expensive than you’d originally planned, this is an area where you can cut a few corners. For example, if you’re wearing a long dress, wear cheap shoes. No one will even notice them. You can always borrow the jewelry you’ll need from friends or relatives, and if you already own a small handbag, go ahead and use it.
You need to include beauty items in your prom budget including hair, make-up and nails. It’s always nice to go to a professional salon to have these things done, but it’s far cheaper if you do these things yourself. In fact, you can add to the fun of prom night by having a little party with your friends and doing each other’s hair, nails, and make-up.
Naturally you’re going to want pictures to remember your prom. Many proms invite professional photographers to attend who will then sell different-sized, affordable packages of photos to you. If your school doesn’t do this, you can always splurge and just you and your date go to a professional photographer ahead of time. If your budget won’t cover this type of expense, have your mom take some pictures before you leave home. Then you can take a camera to the prom to get some shots there. Use a digital camera if possible, because you don’t have to pay to develop all of the shots if you don’t want to.
Some thought needs to be given to how you’re going to get to the prom. If your date has a car, the answer to the problem may be a simple as that, or you may want to go with another couple to save on gas prices. If you have enough in your budget, you can always rent a limo or even a stretch hummer, but you can still have a wonderful time without going to all of this extra expense.
There will be expense involved in purchasing prom tickets. Historically your date would have automatically picked up the tab, but now it’s okay for you to help him out with some of the cost. If you aren’t going with a date, you’ll have to foot the cost of the ticket yourself.
It’s traditional to go out to dinner before the prom. Once again, your date will probably pay the bill. However, if you aren’t going with a date and are instead going with a group of friends, you’ll have to chip in your share for the meal. If going out to a fancy restaurant isn’t an option, you can save a lot of money by having a potluck dinner in your home or going to a less expensive, casual restaurant.
You need to think about getting a boutonniere for your date. Giving him one is just one little way you can show him how much you appreciate going to the prom with him. Although boutonnieres aren’t nearly as expensive as the corsage he’ll give to you, it will still cost you something. If you’ve already used up everything in your budget, you can make your own boutonniere using a flower from your garden and some florist’s tape.
Some ideas for coming up with the extra cash you’ll need to attend the prom include the following:
Offer your services to neighbors and relatives for jobs such as babysitting, lawn mowing, washing cars, or caring for pets.
Visit with elderly neighbors to see if they could use your help cleaning house, cooking, or running errands.
Ask Mom for paying chores around the house. She’s sure to have tasks, such as cleaning out the garage, that she just hasn’t found time to do.
Have your own garage sale to sell clothing you no longer wear, used books, CDs, and other items. By involving a group of friends in the sale, you all stand to profit, and you’ll attract a larger crowd.
If you excel in one of your subjects, especially reading or math, offer to tutor younger children for a fee. Tutors can often earn as much as $15 an hour.
Offer your services to neighbors and relatives for jobs such as babysitting, lawn mowing, washing cars, or caring for pets.
Visit with elderly neighbors to see if they could use your help cleaning house, cooking, or running errands.
Ask Mom for paying chores around the house. She’s sure to have tasks, such as cleaning out the garage, that she just hasn’t found time to do.
Have your own garage sale to sell clothing you no longer wear, used books, CDs, and other items. By involving a group of friends in the sale, you all stand to profit, and you’ll attract a larger crowd.
If you excel in one of your subjects, especially reading or math, offer to tutor younger children for a fee. Tutors can often earn as much as $15 an hour.
Make sure that whatever you decide to do to earn the extra money you need, you start well ahead of time. If you spend the entire school year doing any jobs you can find, by the time the prom arrives, you’ll be able to pay the expenses involved all by yourself. You’ll find there’s a certain pride of ownership in doing that.

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